Our esteemed committee is comprised of renowned experts and thought leaders from around the globe, all committed to advancing the understanding and application of insect-based research.
With a diverse range of disciplines represented, our Scientific Committee ensures that the congress features cutting-edge research, innovative methodologies, and groundbreaking ideas from across the entomology field.
Emer. Prof. Arnold van Huis
Wageningen University & Research
Prof. Maria Teresa Capucchio
University of Turin
Prof. Christos Athanassiou
University of Thessaly
Prof. Jibin Zhang
Huazhong Agrcultural University
Prof. Daniel Pleissner
Institute for Food and Environmental Research (ILU)
Dr. Giorgos Markou
Hellenic Agricultural Organization
Prof. Laura Gasco
University of Turin
Adj. Prof. Marie-Hélène Deschamps
Université Laval Canada
Dr.-Ing. Volker Heinz
German Institute of Food Technology e.V. (DIL)
Prof. Dr. Sergiy Smetana
German Institute of Food Technology e.V. (DIL)
Dr. Kashif Ur Rehman
German Institute of Food Technology e.V. (DIL)
Dr.-Ing. habil. Oliver Schlüter
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (reg. assoc.) (ATB)
Prof. Marta Vasconcelos
Portugese Catholic University
Prof. Mik Van Der Borght
KU Leuven
Assist. Prof. Maryia Mishyna
Wageningen University & Research
Dr. Nils Grabowski
University of veterinary Medicine Hanover
Dr. Paul Vos
Wageningen University & Research
Prof. Pietro Ianetta
Portugese Catholic University / James Hutton Institute Scotland
Prof. Ahmed Al Jabr
King Faisal University